friends forever
I hope from God my friend to remain friends forever
Because you are the dearest man on my heart, I did not meet anyone like
In terms of qualities you are a gentleman, honest, support me and stand beside me
In the most difficult situations and when I need you at any time be with
I did not ask you at once, but I found you as we promised to
stay together
You show our attitudes together and the lessons that we go together as school and
Do you remember the plans of study which were always fail but we always tried
I always rejoice at success together I did not find like you, my friend
I hope to see you a success for all your ambitions and goals
اصدقاء للابد بالانجليزي
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صديق للابد بالانجليزي
- اصدقاء للابد
- صور مكتوب افضل اصدقاء بالانجليزي
- احلى أصدقاء بالانجليزي
- اصدقاء للابد بالانجليزي
- معنى كلمة بحبك للابد بل انكليزي
- صور للاصدقاء بالانجلش
- صور صديقات مكتوب عليها بE
- صور صديق بل أنجليزي
- افضل اصدقاء بالانجليزي
- اصحاب للابد بالانجليزي